Private client
The Rising Role of Women in Family Offices and Family Businesses
The Rising Role of Women in Family Offices and Family Businesses is a perceptive and timely Special Report that explores the growing role of women in leadership positions within family offices and family-owned businesses. It highlights the historical context, current trends and key factors driving this shift, providing valuable insights into how women are shaping the future of these organisations.
Publication date: Jan 2025
Price: £125.00
Power of Attorney Legislation: A STEP Global Guide
Powers of attorney have a crucial role to play in looking after vulnerable people. Yet power of attorney legislation is inconsistent across the globe, with some jurisdictions having very limited legislation in place. Jurisdictions that do have robust legislation in place may not be recognised in a country outside of where it was made, and some jurisdictions do not have any power of attorney legislative instruments at all.
In this comparative guide, Society of Trust & Estate Practitioners (STEP) members will provide quick and informative answers to an adviser’s questions on the policy and legislation of another jurisdiction.
Publication date: Nov 2024
Price: £149.00
Effective Trusts: Minimising Disputes Through Design, Governance and Administration
This Special Report examines the causes of trust disputes and explores the steps that settlors, trustees, beneficiaries and others can take during each stage of a trust’s lifecycle – design, execution, administration and termination – to reduce the risk of sparking a dispute. Filled with real-world practitioner guidance, perspective and insight on issues of critical importance to fiduciaries, trust officials and beneficiaries alike, this Special Report is essential reading.
Publication date: Jul 2022
Price: £125.00
Family Philanthropy
Family philanthropy around the world is a dynamic and important part of the overall social change landscape. This Special Report aims to demystify the topic and presents in a clear and easy-to-understand format the philanthropy choices available to families. It covers a variety of topics including: how families can make decisions about their philanthropy activities; donor advised funds; ways in which families can support cultural organisations, such as museums; and leaving a legacy for the next generations.
Publication date: Jan 2022
Price: £125.00
Family Business and Responsible Wealth Ownership: Preparing the Next Generation
This Special Report aims to develop a shared mindset and better understanding across and between the generations, focusing in particular on matters from the perspective of the next generation. It covers key issues pertaining to the important and often complex transitions that all families face, as well as themes which are highly relevant for wealth and business owning families at a time where there is an increasing focus on responsible capitalism.
Publication date: Jul 2021
Price: £35.00
Life Cycle of a Family Business
This Special Report is a one-stop collection bringing together a distinguished team of international contributors, each an expert in their respective field with a global reputation, to cover the entire life cycle of a family business. It provides guidance on many of the key issues encountered including governance issues, protecting the family business assets, fostering entrepreneurship and succession planning.
Publication date: Dec 2020
Price: £95.00
Setting up a Family Office
Setting up a family office is never an easy undertaking and can present numerous challenges for anyone seeking to steward assets for future generations or meet the complex needs of extended family members. This Special Report provides a practical guide to the main factors to consider when setting up a family office and helps families and their advisers navigate a path through the wide range of family office models in use today.
Publication date: Mar 2020
Price: £85.00
Creating the Trusted Team of Advisers for a Family Business
This special report describes how family businesses can benefit from a high-performing, inter-disciplinary advisory team for trusted advice, with members sourced from different organisations, and who have demonstrably effective processes for looking after an entire family and their business interests. Members of such a team are committed to helping the family achieve success.
Publication date: Oct 2018
Price: £75.00