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Price: £125.00
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ISBN: 9781787422865
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Leadership for Lawyers
Essential Leadership Strategies for Law Firm Success, Second Edition
Price: £125.00
Discounted Price: £75.00
ISBN: 9781787422865
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This second edition, coordinated by Rebecca Normand-Hochman and Dr Heidi K Gardner on behalf of the International Bar Association, explores the crucial elements of law firm leadership. New and updated chapters by prominent experts in the field include leading partners to collaborate; leading the M&A process and leadership succession.
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Discounted Price: £59.40
ISBN: 9781783583744
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Tomorrow's KM
Innovation, Best Practice and the Future of Knowledge Management
Price: £99.00
Discounted Price: £59.40
ISBN: 9781783583744
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This book focuses on the relationship between innovation and KM, elaborating on the role of KM as the facilitator and enabler of change.
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Discounted Price: £89.40
ISBN: 9781783583720
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The Future of Profitability Models and Analysis for Law Firms
Price: £149.00
Discounted Price: £89.40
ISBN: 9781783583720
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This book combines trendspotting, exploratory intelligence with case studies and real-world examples of best practice.
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Discounted Price: £39.00
ISBN: 9781787422483
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To Innovate or Not to Innovate
A Blueprint for the Law Firm of the Future
Price: £65.00
Discounted Price: £39.00
ISBN: 9781787422483
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This book will show you how to reinvent yourself to create a culture that encourages and spawns innovation at every level, both on the micro and macro levels. It leads you through the creation of the infrastructure that is necessary to encourage creativity and that is unique to law firms.
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Discounted Price: £84.00
ISBN: 9781787422247
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Arbitration in the International Energy Industry
Price: £140.00
Discounted Price: £84.00
ISBN: 9781787422247
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This title provides a practical, user-friendly overview of the essentials of international arbitration in the energy industry. Leading practitioners from international law firms and global companies consider, among other things, the effective drafting of arbitration clauses, how to keep international arbitration affordable, gas price arbitrations, EPC and construction arbitrations, investment treaty disputes under the Energy Charter Treaty, third party funding in international arbitration and enforcement of arbitral awards. Edited by Ronnie King, Tokyo Managing Partner and international arbitration expert at international law firm Ashurst LLP, this title will be of practical value for all lawyers advising in the energy industry, and for others who have an interest in the important issues discussed.
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Discounted Price: £89.40
ISBN: 9781783583683
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The ABCs
Integrating artificial, business and competitive intelligence in the modern law firm
Price: £149.00
Discounted Price: £89.40
ISBN: 9781783583683
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A practical roadmap for how to integrate the developing disciplines of AI, BI, and CI and their potential synergies.
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Discounted Price: £59.40
ISBN: 9781783583669
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Career Development for Women Lawyers
Price: £99.00
Discounted Price: £59.40
ISBN: 9781783583669
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For women, by women - to help female lawyers progress their careers in an industry still struggling with gender equality.
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Discounted Price: £297.00
ISBN: 9781787422162
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Global Merger Control Handbook
Price: £495.00
Discounted Price: £297.00
ISBN: 9781787422162
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With an increasing number of cross-border strategic corporate reorganisations in today’s fast changing global environment, understanding of and compliance with the latest regulations and requirements is of vital importance. To help you navigate through the various specific merger control regulations, this comprehensive three-volume major work offers a thorough and very detailed overview of relevant local rules, methodology, process and timing requirements across over 55 jurisdictions, on a country by country basis.
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Discounted Price: £59.40
ISBN: 9781783583645
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A Guide to Global Best Practice and Standards in KM
Price: £99.00
Discounted Price: £59.40
ISBN: 9781783583645
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An invaluable toolkit in the implementation of the ISO's new standard in Knowledge Management. This book looks at global examples of best practice in KM, and discusses how the Standard is helping embed these principles into successful organizations.
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Discounted Price: £117.00
ISBN: 9781787422001
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The AIPN Joint Operating Agreement
A Practical Guide
Price: £195.00
Discounted Price: £117.00
ISBN: 9781787422001
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This book offers a pragmatic, detailed clause-by-clause review of the most recent (2012) version of the conventional petroleum AIPN JOA. Each clause is analysed in depth by reference to: (1) a statement of what the clause says; (2) a summary of the intended meaning of the clause; and (3) observations on how the clause tends to be modified in practice and might be improved. The book also analyses the major appendices of the AIPN JOA, including the accounting procedure and the lifting procedures. The book will be invaluable to legal representatives, financiers, commercial managers, operational personnel and government parties who are dealing with the AIPN JOA, whether for the first time or from a position of relative familiarity.