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Horizon Scanning:
Modernizing Legal Service Delivery
Horizon Scanning: Modernizing Legal Service Delivery takes a look at the ways in which the delivery of legal services might change in the foreseeable future, bringing together the advice of leading industry practitioners and consultants who scan the legal horizon for indicators of change, offering their predictions, and sharing experience and practical guidance to help law firm leaders prepare for what is coming up next.
The Limited Liability Company under German Law (the GmbH)
The Limited Liability Company under German Law, published in association with German Law Publishers, explores the most relevant legal issues and topics for investors seeking to establish or acquire a GmbH in Germany and is aimed at investors with a legal background as well as those without. In addition to providing an overview of the requirements of the formation process, this comprehensive edition demonstrates the GmbH’s inherent flexibility as well as helping legal practitioners (based in Germany and elsewhere) decide on whether a GmbH is most suitable for their needs.
Business Development:
A Practical Handbook for Lawyers, Second Edition
In an increasingly competitive landscape and with challenges from disrupters, the Big 4 and technology, business development has a pivotal role in a law firms’ strategic success and their ability to stand out from the crowd.
The second edition of Business Development: A Practical Handbook for Lawyers, edited by Stephen Revell from Freshfields, revisits the theory, tools and skills needed to implement effective business development in law firms today. Content covers the practical elements – such as what the perfect pitch looks like – as well as the strategic elements, including the variety of structures and approaches to business development at law firms of all sizes.
Arbitration of M&A Transactions:
A Practical Global Guide, Second Edition
Merger and acquisition (M&A) transactions have increased dramatically both in number and volume around the world in the last decades. Fully updated, this new edition features leading experts in the field of international arbitration who provide legal and practical guidance on the key types of dispute likely to arise from M&A transactions (eg, warranty claims, shareholder disputes, claims relating to completion accounts), and offer procedural and tactical tips for arbitration arising from them.
Lawyer Health and Wellbeing:
How the Legal Profession is Tackling Stress and Creating Resiliency
Recent years have witnessed growing concern internationally in wellbeing and mental health across the legal community, a shift reflected in a host of initiatives, networks, reports and research studies. Changes to working patterns, generational shifts, and an increased interest in overall wellbeing have contributed to a growing movement towards better working practices - across all industries but particularly in high pressure professions such as law.
Gas and LNG Price Arbitrations
A Practical Handbook, Second Edition
This practical new edition contains contributions from leading international arbitration practitioners and arbitrators in the field, in-house counsel and industry experts and covers the various stages of a gas pricing dispute, from drafting the clause to triggering a review, all the way through the various stages of the arbitral process. It also builds on the first edition by containing insights into more substantive topics such as hub indexation, the impact on pricing of non-price terms like destination flexibility, and the differences between gas and LNG price reviews.
Trusts in Prime Jurisdictions
Fifth edition
The fifth edition of Trusts in Prime Jurisdictions has been fully updated and features a number of new chapters on topics including trust and real estate trust in Israel, what it means to be a fiduciary family office, the role of the trust protector, Islamic (Waqf) trusts, and trusts in relation to divorce. In addition, new for this edition are chapters on Germany and Bermuda. Produced in association with STEP, this new fifth edition provides a solid grounding in the use of trusts in a wide range of important jurisdictions and contexts. It also examines related topics such as trust taxation, anti-money laundering laws, the OECD initiative, CRS, exchange of information, transparency of registers and the notion that countries are entitled to collect taxes beyond their borders, among others.
Intellectual Property in Electronics and Software:
A Global Guide to Rights and Their Applications, Second Edition
Intellectual Property in Electronics and Software provides practical guidance and addresses key IP law issues in major jurisdictions worldwide which impact on software and electronics companies. This edition covers the latest case law on open source software and standard essential patents and features new chapters on the likely impact of the Unified Patent Court and Unitary Patent. Geographical coverage has also been expanded to include details of the procedures and protection available in Italy. Written by a team of leading specialists in IP law, this is an invaluable guide to navigating the complex and overlapping rights which protect innovation in this field.
The Encyclopaedia of Upstream Oil and Gas
Second Edition
This updated edition provides the unique combination of an encyclopaedia with commentary for the entire chain of petroleum activities.Fully updated, this new edition provides additional sections on (i) international laws and treaties with direct impact on the upstream sector, (2) anti-corruption laws and practices, (3) corporate and social responsibility, (4) oil and gas service contracts, (5) confidentiality agreement, among others.