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Price: £125.00
Discounted Price: £75.00
ISBN: 9781787428607
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Stress and Burnout in Law Firms: Leadership Challenges and Choices
Price: £125.00
Discounted Price: £75.00
ISBN: 9781787428607
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This practical guide summons lawyers, leaders and managers to greater alertness about stress-producing factors in the workplace and to more effective applications of practical responses and methods in the special conditions and circumstances of the practice of law in today’s often intense and highly competitive environment. It is written expressly for professional colleagues who want to work together in common cause to bring greater awareness to wellness needs and to minimise excessive stress or distress in the legal workplace, positively impacting workplace culture, professional relationships, firm reputation, talent retention and profitability.
Price: £149.00
Discounted Price: £89.40
ISBN: 9781787428690
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Effective Practice Group Leadership, Second Edition
Price: £149.00
Discounted Price: £89.40
ISBN: 9781787428690
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Law firm practice group leadership is not for the faint hearted. As firms compete increasingly at practice group level, leaders are being asked to run their groups like business units; to develop and implement a strategic plan that supports the goals and competitiveness of the firm; and to coordinate and lead their partners to enhance the efficiency, performance, and profitability of their groups. With contributions from a wide range of experts, this second edition of Effective Practice Group Leadership builds on the first with new insights and thought leadership. The book examines the position of the practice group leader (PGL) in law firms today, the challenges of the role, and the changes to it, innovations and how modern practice groups are changing, and demonstrates the enormous contribution PGLs can make to the profitability and performance of their law firms, when armed with the tools and the authority.
Price: £149.00
Discounted Price: £89.40
ISBN: 9781787428720
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The Rise of Specialist Career Paths in Law Firms
Price: £149.00
Discounted Price: £89.40
ISBN: 9781787428720
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The Rise of Specialist Career Paths in Law Firms is the essential guide to the plethora of career opportunities available in law firms beyond traditional fee earning. It covers more established roles such as the professional support lawyer and pro bono professional, and new, emerging career paths, including in innovation and legal operations, as well as roles that will become available in the future. Written by experts with lived experience performing these roles, chapters provide information and insights into the different opportunities available, the skills needed to thrive in these positions, the responsibilities they entail, and how to build careers in these spaces.
Price: £195.00
Discounted Price: £117.00
ISBN: 9781787424586
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Trade Secret Protection:
A Global Guide, Second Edition
Price: £195.00
Discounted Price: £117.00
ISBN: 9781787424586
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Edited by leading IP practitioner Trevor Cook, this important title demystifies the law of trade secrets in 29 jurisdictions, covering substantive and procedural aspects of both criminal and civil law and exploring the final remedies available under each. Designed to provide clear, comprehensive and practical guidance, this is a powerful tool for anyone requiring a broader and fuller understanding of trade secret protection globally.
Price: £95.00
Discounted Price: £57.00
ISBN: 9781787428454
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Law Firm Mergers: Lessons from Successful Strategic Combinations
Price: £95.00
Discounted Price: £57.00
ISBN: 9781787428454
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Mergers and acquisitions of law firms of all sizes have become increasingly common as competition for talent and business intensifies and leading firms dominate the market in size and profitability. Lawyers and law firm leaders contemplating the future of their firms need to understand the changing dynamics of the market, and the ways in which mergers and other combinations may or may not help them fulfil their aspirations. Law Firm Mergers offers both law firm leaders and all partners a way to approach the issues, highlighting the best practices gleaned from successful combinations.
Price: £95.00
Discounted Price: £57.00
ISBN: 9781787428546
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Diversity and Inclusion in the Legal Profession, Second Edition
Price: £95.00
Discounted Price: £57.00
ISBN: 9781787428546
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This Special Report explores strategies for maximising inclusion and diversity in the legal profession both in-house and in private practice. The second edition has been fully updated to take into account the pandemic and the adverse impact this has had on diversity and inclusion, along with other developments and includes new chapters on belief, ageism, mental health and intersectionality.
Price: £95.00
Discounted Price: £57.00
ISBN: 9781787428577
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The Art and Craft of Judgment Writing:
A Primer for Common Law Judges
Price: £95.00
Discounted Price: £57.00
ISBN: 9781787428577
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Judges are increasingly aware that the best way of enhancing public confidence in court systems is not only by providing a quality service but doing so compassionately and respectfully. The art and craft of judgment writing is a critical element of this process. Written by Dr Max Barrett, a judge of the High Court of Ireland, this book looks at the judgments of historically great judgment writers from the US, UK and wider common law world (in particular Australia, Canada, India, Ireland, Israel and New Zealand). Individual chapters focus on subjects such as judgment purpose, length, style and structure, concurring and dissenting judgments, judgment writing for children and vulnerable parties, as well as more general lessons in good writing offered by great authors from Orwell to Twain.
Price: £195.00
Discounted Price: £117.00
ISBN: 9781787424821
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Outer Space Law:
Legal Policy and Practice, Second Edition
Price: £195.00
Discounted Price: £117.00
ISBN: 9781787424821
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Outer space has become a congested environment. The involvement of private actors, specifically, has given rise to a number of legal issues, including questions pertaining to liability, insurance, space debris, human rights and property rights in space. To address these legal uncertainties, the existing chapters in the second edition of Outer Space Law: Legal Policy and Practice have been updated significantly and several new chapters have been added dealing with topical issues including: the regulation of satellite navigation systems, and satellite constellations; the application of human rights in outer space settlements; the exploration and colonisation of outer space; and planetary protection.
Price: £95.00
Discounted Price: £57.00
ISBN: 9781787427952
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The Rule of Law in the 21st Century:
A Worldwide Perspective, Second Edition
Price: £95.00
Discounted Price: £57.00
ISBN: 9781787427952
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This book, published in association with the International Bar Association, examines the concept of the rule of law from a variety of perspectives, beginning with the basic principles and all-important definitional issue of what the term 'rule of law' means, and includes fully updated chapters covering the independence of the judiciary and the internationalisation of the rule of law, as well as several new chapters.
Price: £165.00
Discounted Price: £99.00
ISBN: 9781787425149
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Secured Finance Transactions:
Taking Security, Deal Structures and Emerging Markets, Second Edition
Price: £165.00
Discounted Price: £99.00
ISBN: 9781787425149
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Secured finance transactions are implemented the world over between companies, banks, funds and individuals. This second edition brings together experts on this topic, provides a practical guide to important legal developments in the field of secured finance and expands further on the work in the first edition in covering the types of collateral used as security, the variety of transaction types and geographical coverage in emerging markets. An invaluable manual for those already present or entering into the financing arena, this title is a critical support at a time of unprecedented international lending activity.