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Price: £115.00
Discounted Price: £69.00
ISBN: 9781905783267
Buy-outs and Buy-ins:
The Elimination of Defined Benefit Pension Scheme Liabilities
Price: £115.00
Discounted Price: £69.00
ISBN: 9781905783267
This book is aimed at a broad cross-section of the pension market and is intended to be of practical use to trustees, employers, advisers, administrators and other pension stakeholders in providing a comprehensive guide to how best to tackle the thorny issue of eliminating defined benefit scheme liabilities.
Price: £148.00
Discounted Price: £88.80
ISBN: 9781905783328
Global Financial Crisis:
Navigating and Understanding the Legal and Regulatory Aspects
Price: £148.00
Discounted Price: £88.80
ISBN: 9781905783328
This authoritative title provides legal practitioners, academics, financial agents, financial institution officers, investment analysts and managers, investors and officials of regulatory agencies with the information that they need to navigate their way through the challenges arising from one of the most significant financial crises in recent history.
Price: £295.00
Discounted Price: £177.00
ISBN: 9781906355609
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Next-Generation Corporate Libraries and Information Services
Price: £295.00
Discounted Price: £177.00
ISBN: 9781906355609
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Next-Generation Corporate Libraries and Information Services will provide you with the information you require to benchmark your strategies, ensure you continue to deliver the services that are required, and demonstrate your vital and integral role in how your organisation operates.
Price: £115.00
Discounted Price: £69.00
ISBN: 9781905783281
International Public Procurement:
A Guide to Best Practice
Price: £115.00
Discounted Price: £69.00
ISBN: 9781905783281
This unique title contains contributions from leading experts around the world who explain the best practice in public procurement in their jurisdictions. In addition to 19 jurisdictional chapters by leading professionals, featured chapters include contributions on United Nations best practice, the European directives, how countries are fighting corruption in the field and how PPP projects are procured.
Price: £199.00
Discounted Price: £119.40
ISBN: 9781906355555
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Balanced Scorecards for Law firms
Price: £199.00
Discounted Price: £119.40
ISBN: 9781906355555
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Begin utilising a tool that will help you to dramatically improve focus, accountability and execution of strategy within your Law Firm
Price: £295.00
Discounted Price: £177.00
ISBN: 9781906355470
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The Art of the Law Firm Merger
Price: £295.00
Discounted Price: £177.00
ISBN: 9781906355470
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The Art of the Law Firm Merger gives you a clear understanding of the merger process from start to finish including how and when to recognise the indicators that the merger is not in the best interests of your firm. It provides templates and methodologies that ensure the success of your chosen merger and that your primary goals are achieved.
Price: £295.00
Discounted Price: £177.00
ISBN: 9781906355418
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Risk Management for Law Firms: 3rd Edition
Price: £295.00
Discounted Price: £177.00
ISBN: 9781906355418
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Risk Management for Law Firms, 3rd Edition provides an in-depth analysis of key risk areas within the firm and aims to help firms meet new and emerging challenges with clear, practical examples.
Price: £245.00
Discounted Price: £147.00
ISBN: 9781906355340
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Coldrick on Personal Injury Trusts
Fourth Edition
Price: £245.00
Discounted Price: £147.00
ISBN: 9781906355340
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Enabling solicitors to unravel the mystique surrounding the foundation and administration of personal injury trusts and to equip them to fulfil their role better for it; Enabling solicitors to develop compensation protection services to help protect their firms from negligence claims and to improve the bottom line; and enabling solicitors to do these things in as efficient and as practical a way as possible with the greatest amount of professional peace of mind.
Price: £295.00
Discounted Price: £177.00
ISBN: 9781906355302
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Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery for Law Firms
Price: £295.00
Discounted Price: £177.00
ISBN: 9781906355302
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This vital new resource will provide you with the necessary tools to ensure that your firm is equipped to respond quickly and effectively to any business disruption, thereby preventing far-reaching repercussions on revenue, incoming work and reputation.
Price: £126.00
Discounted Price: £75.60
ISBN: 9781905783120
Climate Change:
A Guide to Carbon Law and Practice
Price: £126.00
Discounted Price: £75.60
ISBN: 9781905783120
This book explains how climate change law has evolved, how the carbon markets operate and how climate change issues impact other areas of practice.