b'Law FirmManagement The Lawyer as Leader:The Lawyer How to Own your Careeras Leader:How to Own your Careerand Lead in Law Firmsand Lead in Law FirmsAntonin BesseSpecialReportLaw firm management InsightsInsightsAuthor: This Special Report is a practical, experience-based guide to Antonin Besse personal development at every stage of a lawyers career. The Publication date: author draws on over 30 years as an international commercial April 2019 lawyer and senior partner in a Magic Circle firm to offer a roadmap Format: A4 Softbackfor moving from a Whats expected of me? mindset to self-and eBook leadership and leadership of others. Length: 120 pagesPrice: 45, $63, 53 The reports main theme is that retaking autonomy and controlISBN: 9781787422322 can transform engagement and fulfilment in a legal career. Topics covered include: career planning; confidence; wellbeing and work-life balance; building an internal support network and trusted adviser client relationships; communication and feedback;project management; commerciality; and understanding value from the clients perspective. It also contains a section onpre-retirement planning.Click here forfurther details This Special Report contains a wealth of tools and templates developed by the author for career planning, self appraisal and project management.www.globelawandbusiness.com nicola@globelawandbusiness.com T +44 (0) 20 3745 4769 33'